About me
Joseph D. LaBeau, M.Ed., Licensed Professional Counselor
Background: I am a mature, well-finished counselor.
My highest academic degree is a Master’s Degree in Education with a specialization in Counseling. I do not hold an MD or any other academic doctorate or title. Instead, I have chosen to perfect my practical clinical skills in working patients with the following non-academic skill-focused certificates: Behavioral Health, University of Mass., School of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine, One-Year Program in Modern Psychoanalysis, Association for Clinical and Applied Psychoanalysis, Livingston, NJ, Certified Clinical Hypnosis Counselor, Assoc. for Clinical Hypnosis, Bloomingdale, Ill., Clinical Criminal Justice Specialist, National Association of Forensic Counselors, Fort Wayne, In.
Counseling style: I value being respectful, ethical, and kind with my clients. My approach to their problems is direct.
Technically, I would be considered a modern, cognitive-analytic therapist, which means I believe that the problems we have derive from the way we think about experiences we have had and what images, memories, feelings we have associated with them. In many cases I will use Rational Emotive Therapy for on-line work, especially in the beginning. This is a powerful therapy for controling emotional disturbances quickly and effectively. You can learn more about the approach at www.albertellis.org
Clinical Reviews: I have trained in behavioral health and psychiatry at two separate medical schools and undergone a separate two-year, post-licensure training by a Board-Approved Licensed Clinical Social Worker Supervisor.
My previous supervisor, Steven Pliszka, M.D., Former Chair, Department of Psychiatry, UTSAHSC Medical School, writes: “Mr. LaBeau dealt with a variety of very difficult cases with great skill …..he always had excellent input for other therapists. His clinical judgment is superb……” Alex Kudisch, M.D., Diplomat, American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, Valley Family Guidance Center, “I have consulted with Mr. LaBeau in fifty-two cases..[and he ] … has demonstrated effective clinical counseling skills….I endorse him to become a Certified, Clinical Mental Health Counselor.” Hector Villareal C. LCSW, Board Approved Clinical Counseling Supervisor, Utilization Management, Texas Tropical Behavioral Health, “[Mr. LaBeau]..has demonstrated effective clinical counseling skills while under my supervision..100 hours of face-to-face clinical supervision over the required two-year period…It has been a privilege to supervise someone as competent as Mr. LaBeau”
Memberships: Texas Counseling Association ,the Amercian Society of Clinical Hypnosis, and the National Association of Forensic Counselors.
Special Qualifications: I personally am of the opinion that I would only want to see a therapist who has undergone substantial depth therapy themselves first, before seeing me. First, because then I would have reason to believe my therapist is not burdened with major unrecognized issues themselves that would affect their work with me, and second because my therapist would then have a sound understanding of what the patient experience in therapy is like, and likely would have been humbled to find that, in the quest for truth that is therapy, they themselves are far from perfect, and not so very different from their patients. In this regard, I completed a One Year Certificate Program (2013), followed by clinical group supervision, which was then followed by about another year in personal analysis – all through the Academy of Clinical and Applied Psychoanalysis in Livingston New Jersey. I also completed one- year of Child Studies as a Fellow at The Center for Psychoanalytic Studies in Houston. I also studied classical Fruedian Psychoanalysis as the Center for Advanced Studies in Psychotherapy. Before all of this, I underwent personal therapy for about a year and a half with a fine reality therapist in private practice in College Station, TX. Still, to this day, I often consult colleages and even enter into formal psychotherapy to discuss personal and professional issues as needed.
Matters of Faith: I ascribe to the highest standards of Professional Counseling and make it a special point to welcome persons of all faiths, creeds, colors, sexual orientations, and countries of origin. I take special care to be very respectful of each of my patients and to honor their faith and religious affiliation or positions, as well as respecting the preferences of those who would prefer to keep the counseling relationship strictly secular and scientific, free from religious or spiritual commentary. I hold a certificate in youth ministry from the Diocese of Brownsville and University of Dayton, and, although I strictly maintain the role of therapist with my patients at all times, upon specific request I may offer a faith-integrated treatment plan which may include sharing sacred scripture, prayers, meditations, and blessings. I believe that the faith traditions and practices of the client can be a rich resource to help the client in times of challenge and change.
I am confident your will feel respected, comfortable and well cared for in my practice, whatever your view on religious matters.
Professional experience
Focus and Specialization Areas
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Joseph LaBeau's years in practice