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What to expect for INCLINC appointments with TSFK therapist

Quick Counseling posted and updated 6 months ago

What to expect with my TSFK Therapist

We request that all adults and children (under 2 are exempt) wear masks.
For children over 2 that are not able to tolerate please alert their therapist.  Kids over 2 can also wear a face covering, as long as they can remove it themselves. Children under 2 years old should never wear a face covering.  Although the CDC has lifted restrictions we are still following state guidelines.
We ask that only one adult participate in therapy at a time and will not be allowing siblings at this time.  
(some exceptions to the rule can be made with approval)

When you arrive in the parking lot, please call and let us know you are here Please stay in your car until your appointment time to avoid coming into contact with others.  We will alert you of which door to enter. 503-224-1998. The waiting room will be closed until further notice.  Please go into the treatment room with your child or wait in your car.  There is a Starbuck close by and a river trail along the Willamette River.

  1. We have 4 access doors to the clinic and plan to use them all as needed.  They will be numbered 1-4 with the Reception door being #1, # 2, and 3 will be visible from our main door but # 4 is located down the hall past the men’s restrooms.
  2. Your therapist will open the door for you.  You will also be asked to answer a few quick COVID screening questions then she will direct you and your child to a sink to wash your hands, and have temperatures taken.   If you answer Yes to any of these will not be able to continue with the appointment for that day.  We strongly encourage you then check in with your Dr. or your child’s pediatrician for further advice at that point.

Depending on your therapist’s schedule, sessions may end early to allow for cleaning between clients.  We will be using a combination of cleaning procedures including UV lights, wiping down surfaces, masks, and face shields.  Thank you all for your sustained support and for allowing us to continue to serve you and your children. 

3/15/2021 Most therapists are fully vaccinated at this time!  Each therapist has been diligent in attempting to travel far and wide to obtain this for the safety of our clients.

11/15/2020 A 2-week freeze does it apply to TSFK?  Not at this time, we will are treating with the same high standards.  A combination of treatment methods based on the individual client’s therapeutic needs and/or family situation.  If you have more questions feel free to ask by calling 503-224-1998

11/12/2020 Mask update for children 2-5 years old.  Children 2 and older should wear face coverings.

7/10/2020 UPDATE:  The Landing building management has upgraded the filters in the HVAC system to filter smaller particles and increased the frequency for changing the filters. They have also opened the outside dampers to maximize flow and air replacement.   

EXAMPLE of COVID Screening Protocol Questions
Does the client have a temperature?
Does the Parent/Caregiver have a temperature?
Do you or your child have a dry cough?
Do you or your child have a runny nose?
Have you or anyone in your household been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or has had flu-like symptoms?
Do you or your child have difficulty breathing/shortness of breath?
Do you or your child have a headache or body aches?
Have you lost the sense of taste or smell?

Telehealth Coverage is still in effect for many insurers.  We are currently doing a mixture of in-clinic and telehealth appointments. Contact me directly if you are interested either! 360-760-4272

COVID notice history:

If your child needs visuals to help with this transition there are a ton of great resources out there.  Here are just a few:
Wearing a Mask social story
We wear a mask

Q & A    Maybe you have questions about returning to the clinic?

Additional Resources:
Find a test site near you
COVID-19 and Special Needs
Free Visuals
STATE resources for families
Know your Risks 1-10
Try looking at your local library for this book>Lucy’s Mask

9/4/2020 Oregon extends telehealth coverage for 10 payors.  If your specific plan states telehealth is not covered we encourage you to reach out to your Human Resources department and request it be added under normal plan benefits.

7/24/2020 Masks Required Statewide Children under 5 are exempt.  If your child is not able to wear a mask please speak with your child’s therapist.  They will work with you and your child on this specific topic.


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